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I'm Andreea, and this is my work

As a Doctoral Candidate at Leibniz Universität Hannover, I conduct research on quantum computing, exploring the applications of this emerging field. I have a strong background in theoretical physics, mathematics, and computer science, as I hold two Master of Science degrees from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and University of Bucharest.

I am passionate about advancing the frontiers of quantum science and technology, and I enjoy collaborating with other researchers and experts from different disciplines and backgrounds. I have also gained teaching experience as a Teaching Assistant for Quantum Field Theory and Advanced Quantum Mechanics, where I helped students understand the concepts and methods of these challenging subjects. I believe that I can bring diverse perspectives and experiences, as well as a high level of curiosity, creativity, and rigor.

Photo by Ana Apostol

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Things I Do


I specialize in quantum computing research, tackling industrial-scale combinatorial optimization problems. My emphasis is on assesing and developing algorithms that push the boundaries of computational efficiency in optimization.


I offer personalized 1:1 mentorship and guidance, from demystifying application procedures to helping you uncover the ideal colleges or work opportunities tailored to your goals.


I am offering private tutorials in physics and math, ensuring that students not only grasp challenging concepts from formal coursework but also receive personalized guidance tailored to their unique learning needs.

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